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Create your own signature blends at home with the fully updated and newly expanded edition of The Home Distilling and Infusing Handbook, featuring dozens of creative infusion recipes! Like to dabble, invent, experiment, and concoct? Like to drink? Move beyond bartending and learn how to combine alcohol with herbs, spices, fruit, and more to create your own custom blends! This book guides you step-by-step through the process of creating unique and delicious alcoholic infusion and blends as well as infused cordials and cremes. No fancy degree or equipment required! Also, learn how to make your very own whiskey blends. Includes fifty unique recipes from some of today’s leading mixologists, including: Smoked Bacon Bourbon, October Apple Liqueur, Horseradish Vodka, Silver Kiwi Strawberry Tequila, Cucumber Gin, Cherry Whiskey, and Blueberry Bourbon. Cheers, and bottoms up!
The Home Distilling and Infusing Handbook, Second Edition Edition by Matthew Teacher and Publisher Cider Mill Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781604335576, 1604335572. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781604335354, 1604335351.
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